element symbol for silver

Chemical Silver (Ag)

Facts Date of Discovery: Known to the ancients Discoverer: Unknown Name Origin: From the Old English word seolfor (silver) Symbol Origin: From the Latin word argentum ......

It's Elemental The Element Silver

What's in a name? From the AngloSaxon word seolfor. Silver's chemical symbol comes from the Latin word for silver, argentum. Say what? Silver is pronounced as SILver....

How did the element Silver get its name??? | .

11/02/2008· Best Answer: Silver (pronounced /ˈsɪlvɚ/) is a chemical element with the symbol "Ag" (Latin: argentum, from the Ancient Greek: ἀργήντος argēntos, gen. of ἀργήεις argēeis, "white, shining" ) and atomic number 47....

Silver Slogans

Here is a list of Silver Slogans. Silver has the symbol Ag and its atomic number is 47. It has the highest electrical conductivity of any element. Vote for the best slogans....

element symbol for silver .

Old Element Names sartep. Old Element Names A number of the chemical elements have symbols that do not seem to correspond to their name These elements have, Silver ......

Why Do Some Elements Have Symbols That .

The chemical symbol for oxygen is O ... Why Do Some Elements Have Symbols That Aren't in ... which means "water silver," and lead's Pb symbol comes from its ......

Silver (element) definition of Silver (element) .

sil·ver (sĭl′vər) n. 1. Symbol Ag A lustrous white, ductile, malleable metallic element, occurring both uncombined and in ores such as argentite, having the ......

Technical data for the element Silver in the .

Complete and detailed technical data about the element Silver in the Periodic Table....

47. Argentum (Silver) Elementymology .

The oldest reference to the element appears in the book of Genesis. "And Abram was very rich in cattle, in silver, and in gold." (Gen. 13:2) The Egyptians considered gold to be a perfect metal, and gave it the symbol of a circle. Since silver was the closest to gold in perfection, it was given the symbol of a semicircle....

37 Elements from the Periodic Table Flashcards .

Gives symbol and Atomic Number for Hydrogen,Helium, ... 37 Elements from the Periodic Table. ... Silver. Symbol: Ag Atomic#: 47....

Why is the chemical symbol for potassium K? .

Potassium is a chemical element with symbol K (derived from NeoLatin,kalium) and atomic number 19. It was first isolated from potash, the ashes of plants, from which its name derives. In the periodic table, potassium is ....

Alchemy Symbols from ancient times

The symbol for iron could also be used to represent the planet Mars in astrology. Lead is the first and oldest of the seven metals of alchemy (gold, silver, mercury, copper, lead, iron tin). The symbol for lead was also used to represent the planet Saturn in astrology....

The Metals The Elements The White Goddess

Following is a list of The Seven Noble Metals Of The Ancients and ... The Metals The Elements The ... The symbol for gold is Au from the latin aurum meaning ......

Facts About Silver Live Science

Silver's atomic symbol is Ag, which seems to bear little relation to the name of the element. In fact, Ag is short for argentums, the Latin word for silver. The word "silver" is from the AngloSaxon word seolfor....

A6 I can represent elements using chemical .

Chemical symbols. Each element is given its own chemical symbol, like O for oxygen and Cl for chlorine. Chemical symbols are usually one or two letters long, but ......

Silver Periodic Table | What is Silver Symbol Ag .

Discover how the Silver periodic table placement clues in to properties of the Ag element, as well as the melting point of Silver, Silver uses and Silver facts....

chemical symbol for silver

It's Elemental The Element Silver. What's in a name? From the AngloSaxon word seolfor. Silver's chemical symbol comes from the Latin word for silver, argentum....